Hi Folks

Hope you are having a good day. I set up Oz_thenextstep to publish my art and if you are reading this then something must be working...I'm afraid technology is not one of my strong points as reflected by my ancient phone. That said I think this blog works well and I hope you enjoy its content. Please do give me your thoughts about any of the pieces that you see.

Most of my work is relevant to an event or something personal in my life though some are just things that I like the look of. Some of them have a deeper meaning and these tend to be featured on my homepage.

I'm still trying to get the hang of this so the blog is a working progress but I hope that you will be able to see all of my work in the gallery. I am happy to take on small requests though I am manic at the moment trying to get an exhibition together for the end of the year.

If there is anything else that you would like to add, please do so

Sunday 19 June 2011

I'm back

Good Fathers day sunday afternoon!!! It's been a while since I finished a piece so excuse the lame pun but thought I'd name this piece I'm back. Another one that was started a LONG time ago and another piece to practice and keep the hands fresh in preparation for my exhibition (one step closer this week with a venue sourced...just need pay day to come round to book it :)

This will hopefully be one of many pieces to be published in the coming few weeks and look forward to your thoughts and comments

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Illustration from Rights of a Child

This piece was just a way of experimenting with mixed media and using watercolour, ink and pastel, I chose to do my version of a piece a friend had pointed out whilst we were in the Tate. It does remind me of a great day out and one full of laughs.

The bit that really stands out for me from the original piece is the way there is a seemless transition between night and day as well as the various landscapes. I have used in the past for my own work and in particular I love the way there is no boundary between the various elements of the piece.

This piece is definitely unfinished and one that is more than likely going to remain unfinished...at least in the immediate future anyway

Saturday 7 May 2011

Osman Ahmed -2 - artybuzz.com

Osman Ahmed -2 - artybuzz.com

Hi folks. If anyone is interested in perhaps getting a print...please follow the link above to a site I've just started to use

Quote of the day "Yesterday is not ours to recover; but tomorrow is ours to win or lose"

Monday 2 May 2011

View from The Train Building

I simply wanted to just do an image of my home (and regardless of what some of my friends say - I do live in London as it has an SE postcode). What better than to use an image of a place that is recognised, iconic and part of my everyday life...view back from the Charing Cross Bridge

They say you can tell when you find your "home" and London is certainly that. Having been born in London I've gone full circle via Asia, Birmingham, Cardiff I now I find myself back here. I knew when I graduated that I certainly find myself here and for me, its definitely the place to be

It's brought me some amazing times, introduced me to some fantastic people. The sights and sounds of a city that doesn't really sleep (I know for a fact - having gone through an all night party) do provide a wonderful atmosphere but one that has significantly changed over the last few years.

There are several things that make this my home right now but it would take me a long time to list them all. It's now 23:29 and I should get some sleep though it is 31 mins till of my close friends starts his quarter life crisis as it is his 25th Birthday tomorrow - so what better than to stay awake and wish him well...Happy Birthday Stu if you read this as well

Sunday 1 May 2011

Power Ranger

We all look up to certain characters be it our family members', our teachers, famous icons such as sports personalities or characters from the world of films and our imagination. Each of these types of people have had an influence to events that I have undertaken, ambitions I have created and of course had an impact in my life.

I met someone a while back who gave me a kick up the backside and in time has inspired me to carry on with my art and focus on the things that matter to me - its amazing what a look of disappointment can do. They gave me the push not just by thier words but by what they do every single day and the way they inspire others.

"Power Ranger" is a private joke that no one else will understand or be allowed to know. Ironman, however, reflects strength and courage. Someone that provides inspiration but not doing so publically (some people prefer anonymity and let their actions do the talking). Lastly I chose Ironman ahead of all others for having a bright heart - a wonderful quality I admire A LOT

Wednesday 9 February 2011


Good afternoon everyone! I wanted to add something as soon as possible becuase an event just took place which I am EXTREMELY gratful for. The following image is incomplete (sorry folks) but it is one of the most powerful screen images that I have EVER seen and to me signifies help and hope. It's the image of the child in Red from Schindler's list.

Somewhere in London is a very kind and honest Black Cab driver who out of the kindness of his heart posted my phone back which i had left in his taxi last week.

I hvae always believed that good deeds are repaid and for a number of years have tried to do at least one good deed a day. Not sure if this means I believe in Karma; but I strongly feel everyone should do what they can and when they have means to do it in order to make someone else feel better!

Friday 7 January 2011


Happy New Year!! Although I am not one for resolutions, I do ensure that I put together a list of tasks that I wish to accomplish before the end of the year. By a country mile, the top of the list this year is to ensure I publicise more of my work.

One of my favourite pieces over the last few months shows a glacier and the thing I find fascinating is how powerful nature can be.

My work recently has had an unfinished look for the most part and  reflective of a number of things in my life. That said I am making a conscious effort to complete things from now on

Apparently from a psychological point of view; someone tells me that this would suggest a lack of commitment but it couldn't be further from the truth. At this moment in time I have an itch to be more expressive and there are a number of thoughts that I wish to record.

Quote of the day -  "Life is not a rehearsal"